The whole information which we provide on our website is for good purpose only. We create No warranty or representation of any express or implied regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, availability, and completeness of any information. We shall be not responsible for any liability for any loss or damage that is occurred to you on the use of this site or the information provided on this site. You are solely responsible to stay reliable on any information that is provided by our side.
Disclaimer Of External Links
Our website may contain some other links from the other website that belong to a third party that are links to the website or other advertising. The external links which are present on a website and not investigated, monitored, or checked for adequacy reliability availability or completeness. We do not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information that is linked through the site or any website. And we are not responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and a third-party provider of products and services.
Registration And Password
You must maintain the confidentiality of your password and information. As you are solely responsible for all the users of your registration whether you are authorized or unauthorized. If any of the unauthorized use of your information or password is noticed by you then you must report it to the company.
Professional Disclaimer
The information that is provided for the general information and educational purpose is only a substitute for professional advice. You must consult with the appropriate professional before taking any action based upon the information that is present on our website. Your reliance on our website is solely at your own risk.
Security Rules
- The given security rules should not be violated by the user of
- Security measures without properly unauthorised and breaching authentication
- Accessing an account in an unauthorised way.
- Attempting interfering with the services to the user or submitting a virus at
- The forcing of IP/TCP packet header in any news group posting or emails. All this violation will lead to investigation and the involvement of law enforcement authorities.