Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24: Apply Online Form & Last Date

Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24 Apply Online & Application Form | Goonj Urban Fellowship Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | Goonj Urban Fellowship Check Benefits & Features | Goonj Urban Fellowship Selection & Implementation Procedure | Goonj Urban Fellowship Check Eligibility & All Details |

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is a unique program that aims to empower individuals to create positive social change in urban communities. This fellowship provides a platform for young professionals, students, and individuals passionate about social development to engage with various grassroots initiatives and contribute towards building a more inclusive society.

Today through this article we will provide you with all types of information about the Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24 like objectives, eligibility criteria, benefits, features, important documents, etc. Apart from this, we will share with you the process of applying online for this fellowship. To get complete information about this fellowship, read this article till the end.

Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24

 The Goonj Urban Fellowship offers a transformative experience for individuals passionate about social development. By providing a platform to engage with marginalized communities, implement sustainable solutions, and collaborate with like-minded individuals, the fellowship plays a crucial role in creating positive change in urban areas. Through their efforts, fellows contribute towards building a more inclusive and equitable society.

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is a unique program that offers numerous benefits to its participants. Whether you are a recent graduate looking to gain practical experience or a professional seeking a career change, this fellowship can provide you with valuable opportunities. The Goonj Urban Fellowship offers a transformative experience that combines professional development, personal growth, and social impact. It equips participants with the skills, knowledge, and network necessary to make a positive difference in urban communities.

Goonj Urban Fellowship: Apply Online Form & Last Date

Highlights of Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24

The highlights of this fellowship are as follows:- 

Name Of The FellowshipGoonj Urban Fellowship
Launched ByGoonj Organization
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics and Information Technology
Allotted PortalGoonj Portal
ObjectiveTo create a network of individuals who are committed to social development
BenefitFellows are encouraged to devise innovative solutions
Applicable toCitizens of India
Beneficiary CategoryStudents passing UG degree exams
Age Limit18 to 30 Years
Mode of TransferDBT
Payment MechanismE-Payment Mechanism
Form of BenefitFellowship Amount
Fellowship AmountRs. 20,000/- to Rs. 22,000/-
Scholarship Tenure12 Months
Transferable TypePer Month
Host SiteNIC (National Information Centre)
Last Date To Apply OnlineWill be updated soon
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Office AddressJ-93,
Sarita Vihar,
New Delhi-110076
Phone No011-26972351
Email ID[email protected]

Objectives of Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24

The objectives of the Goonj Urban Fellowship are multi-fold. Firstly, it aims to create a network of individuals who are committed to social development and can act as catalysts for change. By bringing together like-minded individuals, the fellowship fosters collaboration and promotes the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Secondly, the fellowship seeks to address the pressing issues faced by urban communities such as lack of access to basic amenities, inadequate healthcare, and limited educational opportunities. Fellows are encouraged to devise innovative solutions that can have a lasting impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

Beneficiary Category

The Goonj Urban Fellowship primarily focuses on empowering the most marginalized sections of society. It targets individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, slum dwellers, migrant workers, and other vulnerable groups. By working closely with these communities, fellows gain a firsthand understanding of their needs and aspirations, enabling them to develop interventions that are tailored to their specific requirements.

Application Process

Applications for the Goonj Urban Fellowship are accepted on a rolling basis. Interested individuals can apply online by submitting their resume, a statement of purpose, and a letter of recommendation. The fellowship accepts applications from a diverse range of backgrounds, including but not limited to social work, development studies, engineering, and management.

Selection Procedure

The selection procedure for the fellowship is rigorous and involves multiple stages. Shortlisted candidates are invited for a personal interview, where their passion for social development, ability to work in challenging environments, and commitment to the fellowship’s objectives are assessed. Final selections are made based on a combination of these factors.

Implementation Procedure

Once selected, fellows undergo a comprehensive orientation program to familiarize themselves with the fellowship’s framework, guidelines, and expectations. They are then assigned to specific projects and communities, where they work closely with the local stakeholders to implement their interventions. Regular monitoring and evaluation ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the initiatives.

Facilitation of Supervision Body

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is overseen by a dedicated team of professionals who provide guidance and support to the fellows throughout their journey. This supervision body comprises experts from various fields, including social work, community development, and project management. Their expertise ensures that the fellowship operates smoothly and achieves its intended objectives.

Professional Development

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is designed to provide fellows with a platform to develop and enhance their professional skills. Through various workshops, training sessions, and real-world projects, fellows gain practical experience and learn valuable skills that are crucial for their future careers. The program focuses on areas such as project management, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, equipping fellows with the necessary tools to excel in their chosen fields.

Network Building

One of the key benefits of the Goonj Urban Fellowship is the opportunity to build a strong professional network. Fellows have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and professionals from diverse backgrounds. This network not only provides valuable support and guidance during the fellowship but also opens doors to future collaborations, job opportunities, and mentorship.

Exposure to Social Issues

The fellowship program offers a unique opportunity to gain firsthand exposure to pressing social issues. Fellows are placed in communities where they work closely with local organizations and grassroots initiatives. This immersive experience allows fellows to understand the challenges faced by marginalized communities and develop a deeper appreciation for the social issues at hand. By actively engaging with these communities, fellows contribute to meaningful change and develop a greater sense of empathy and social responsibility.

Hands-on Experience

The Goonj Urban Fellowship goes beyond theoretical knowledge by providing fellows with hands-on experience. Fellows are involved in various projects, ranging from community development initiatives to sustainable livelihood programs. This practical experience allows fellows to apply their skills and make a tangible impact on the lives of individuals and communities. The hands-on nature of the fellowship ensures that fellows develop a well-rounded understanding of the challenges faced by urban areas and gain valuable insights into effective solutions.

Leadership Skills

The Goonj Urban Fellowship aims to nurture and develop the leadership potential of its fellows. Through mentorship, workshops, and practical experience, fellows have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills. They learn to take initiative, make informed decisions, and inspire others to create positive change. The fellowship program provides a supportive environment for fellows to grow as leaders and equips them with the necessary skills to lead in their respective fields.

Personal Growth

Participating in the Goonj Urban Fellowship is not only a professional development opportunity but also a journey of personal growth. Fellows are exposed to new cultures, perspectives, and experiences that broaden their horizons and challenge their preconceived notions. The fellowship program encourages self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal transformation, enabling fellows to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their role in society.

Cultural Exchange

The Goonj Urban Fellowship promotes cultural exchange by bringing together fellows from diverse backgrounds and regions. Fellows have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, traditions, and languages, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. This cultural exchange enriches the fellowship experience and creates a supportive and inclusive community of fellows who learn from and inspire one another.

Resume Enhancement

Participating in the Goonj Urban Fellowship is a valuable addition to any resume. The program demonstrates a commitment to social impact, personal growth, and professional development. Employers value candidates who have gained practical experience, developed leadership skills, and demonstrated a strong sense of social responsibility. The Goonj Urban Fellowship provides fellows with a competitive edge in the job market and showcases their dedication to creating positive change.

Access to Resources

Fellows in the Goonj Urban Fellowship gain access to a wide range of resources to support their projects and initiatives. The program provides mentorship, funding opportunities, and access to a network of organizations and experts in various fields. This access to resources enables fellows to implement innovative solutions, overcome challenges, and maximize their impact on communities.

Alumni Network

Upon completing the Goonj Urban Fellowship, fellows join a vibrant and supportive alumni network. This network serves as a lifelong resource for professional development, collaboration, and mentorship. Alumni have the opportunity to connect with former fellows who are making significant contributions in their respective fields and gain insights into new opportunities and initiatives.

Research & Analysis

Fellows engage in research and analysis projects that contribute to the body of knowledge in urban development. Through data collection, analysis, and reporting, participants develop critical thinking and research skills. The research component of the fellowship equips fellows with the ability to identify and address urban development issues effectively.

Customized Learning

The program is designed to cater to the individual learning needs of each fellow. Through a combination of workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions, participants acquire knowledge and skills in various areas of urban development. The curriculum is tailored to ensure that fellows gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Benefits of Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24

The benefits of this fellowship are as follows:-

  • Professional Development: The fellowship offers a structured program that focuses on skill-building and professional growth. Participants have the chance to enhance their knowledge and gain practical experience in various fields.
  • Network Building: The fellowship provides a platform to connect with like-minded individuals, experts, and professionals from diverse backgrounds. This network can be valuable for future collaborations and career opportunities.
  • Exposure to Social Issues: Through field visits and interactions with communities, fellows gain a deeper understanding of the social issues prevalent in urban areas. This exposure helps in developing empathy and a sense of social responsibility.
  • Hands-on Experience: Fellows get the opportunity to work on real projects and contribute to the organization’s initiatives. This hands-on experience allows them to apply their skills and make a tangible impact.
  • Leadership Skills: The fellowship program focuses on developing leadership qualities among participants. Fellows are encouraged to take initiative, lead projects, and make informed decisions.
  • Personal Growth: The fellowship provides a supportive environment for personal growth and self-reflection. Fellows have the chance to explore their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest.
  • Cultural Exchange: The fellowship brings together individuals from different regions and backgrounds, fostering cultural exchange and understanding. Participants get to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives.
  • Resume Enhancement: Completing the Goonj Urban Fellowship adds value to your resume. It showcases your commitment to social causes and your ability to work in diverse environments.
  • Access to Resources: Fellows have access to the organization’s resources, including libraries, research materials, and training programs. This access allows them to deepen their knowledge and expand their skill set.
  • Alumni Network: After completing the fellowship, participants become part of an extensive alumni network. This network provides ongoing support, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration.

Features Of Goonj Urban Fellowship 2023-24

The features of this fellowship are as follows:-

  • Hands-on Experience: Fellows are placed in urban communities where they actively engage in grassroots initiatives and work directly with local residents.
  • Customized Learning: The fellowship offers a tailored learning experience, allowing fellows to focus on specific areas of interest such as education, healthcare, or sustainable development.
  • Mentorship: Each fellow is paired with a mentor who provides guidance and support throughout their fellowship journey.
  • Leadership Development: The program emphasizes leadership skills, empowering fellows to become change-makers and advocates for urban development.
  • Networking Opportunities: Fellows have the chance to connect with professionals, experts, and leaders in the field of urban development, expanding their professional network.
  • Field Visits: The fellowship includes field visits to various urban projects, allowing fellows to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in urban communities.
  • Research and Analysis: Fellows are encouraged to conduct research and analysis on urban issues, contributing to the body of knowledge in the field.
  • Community Engagement: The fellowship promotes community engagement, encouraging fellows to collaborate with local stakeholders and empower residents.
  • Personal Growth: The program fosters personal growth by providing fellows with opportunities for self-reflection, learning, and development.
  • Alumni Network: Upon completing the fellowship, fellows become part of a vibrant alumni network, gaining access to ongoing support and collaboration opportunities.

Goonj Urban Fellowship Eligibility Criteria 

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online for this fellowship:- 

  • The student must be a citizen of India.
  • He or she must have completed the UG degree.
  • The student must possess or attain the age limit of 18 to 30 years.
  • He or she must be fluent in speaking and writing/reading languages such as Hindi or English.
  • The student must possess or attain the selection criteria

Important Documents 

Some of the important documents required to apply online for this fellowship are as follows:-

  • Aadhar Card
  • Letters of Reccomendation
  • DOB Certificate
  • Educational Marksheets
  • Annual Income Certificate
  • Bank Account Number
  • Latest Passport Size Photograph
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID

Goonj Urban Fellowship Apply Online 2023-24 

As this fellowship has been recently launched no such information has been received regarding the application procedure required to apply online under Goonj Urban Fellowship using relevant social-networking resources. As soon as any information is released regarding the application procedure we will update you through this article otherwise the applicant can visit the Official Website.

Goonj Urban Fellowship Apply Online 2023-24 

Contact Information

In case of any queries and questions regarding Goonj Urban Fellowship, the applicants can contact the below-mentioned office address, phone no, and Email ID to redress their doubts:-

  • Office Address:-
    • J-93,
    • Sarita Vihar,
    • New Delhi-110076
  • Phone No:- 011-26972351
  • Email ID:- [email protected]

Goonj Urban Fellowship: Top 15 FAQs

Are you considering applying for the Goonj Urban Fellowship but have some questions about the program? Look no further! In this article, we will address the top 15 frequently asked questions about the Goonj Urban Fellowship to help you gain a better understanding of what the fellowship entails and how it can benefit you.

What is the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is a unique opportunity for young professionals to engage with urban slum communities and work on grassroots development projects. Fellows will spend one year living and working in a designated urban slum, learning about local issues and collaborating with community members to create positive change.

Who is eligible to apply for the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is open to individuals between the ages of 21 and 30 who have a passion for social impact and community development. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree and relevant work experience in social work, public health, education, or related fields.

What is the duration of the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

The Goonj Urban Fellowship is a one-year program, during which fellows will live and work in an urban slum community. The fellowship is designed to provide hands-on experience in grassroots development and community engagement.

How are fellows selected for the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Fellows for the Goonj Urban Fellowship are selected through a rigorous application and interview process. The selection committee looks for candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to social impact, leadership potential, and a willingness to learn and collaborate with others.

What are the benefits of participating in the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Participating in the Goonj Urban Fellowship offers numerous benefits, including hands-on experience in grassroots development, the opportunity to work closely with urban slum communities, mentorship from experienced professionals, and a chance to make a real difference in the lives of others.

Will I receive any training or support during the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Yes, fellows in the Goonj Urban Fellowship will receive training and support throughout the program. Training sessions will cover topics such as community engagement, project management, and personal development. Fellows will also have access to mentors and resources to help them succeed in their roles.

What is the living arrangement for fellows during the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Fellows in the Goonj Urban Fellowship will live in shared accommodation in the designated urban slum community. Living arrangements are designed to immerse fellows in the local culture and provide a deeper understanding of the community’s issues and challenges.

What kind of projects will fellows work on during the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Fellows in the Goonj Urban Fellowship will work on a variety of projects aimed at addressing community needs and improving quality of life in the urban slum. Projects may include education initiatives, health and sanitation programs, livelihood development, and more.

Can I continue working in the field of social impact after completing the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Absolutely! The Goonj Urban Fellowship is designed to equip fellows with the skills and experience needed to pursue a career in the field of social impact and community development. Many alumni of the program have gone on to work with non-profit organizations, government agencies, and social enterprises.

How can I apply for the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

To apply for the Goonj Urban Fellowship, you will need to fill out an online application form and submit required documents, including a resume, cover letter, and letters of recommendation. The application process typically opens once a year, so be sure to check the Goonj website for updates.

Is there any financial assistance available for fellows in the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

Fellows in the Goonj Urban Fellowship will receive a stipend to cover living expenses during the program. Additionally, Goonj may provide support for specific project-related expenses, depending on the nature of the project and available funding.

What is the alumni network like for the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

The Goonj Urban Fellowship has a strong and active alumni network that provides ongoing support, networking opportunities, and professional development resources for program graduates. Alumni often stay connected through social events, workshops, and collaborative projects.

How can I learn more about the impact of the Goonj Urban Fellowship?

To learn more about the impact of the Goonj Urban Fellowship, you can visit the Goonj website to read stories from past fellows, see project outcomes, and explore case studies of community initiatives. You can also follow Goonj on social media for updates and news about the fellowship.

What sets the Goonj Urban Fellowship apart from other fellowship programs?

The Goonj Urban Fellowship stands out for its immersive approach to community engagement, hands-on project experience, and commitment to creating sustainable impact in urban slum communities. Fellows in the program have the opportunity to make a real difference and gain valuable skills for their future careers in social impact.

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